Friday, September 24, 2010

Part Four - The Prophecy!

Sorry for the delay folks. I have started school and was a bit overwhelmed (that’s a lie, I was REALLY overwhelmed) and then my body shut down on me and I was sick for most of this week. I will knock out the rest of my testimony today so I can move on to what God is doing here and now. I would like to remind you that I am praying my testimony sparks a fire in your heart for the things of God. In no way am I trying to “toot my own horn,” but as it says in psalm 143: “I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.” I hope reading this even my heart is reminded of God’s faithfulness and thirsts for Jesus like a parched land.

June of 2009 right after Brendon and I separated my two good friend LeaAnn and Charity (yes they play a huge part in my life, I love those ladies and am who I am because of them) encouraged me to go to another conference called Kingdom Culture in Redding CA at Bethel Church. It was a last minute decision but I bought a $400 plane ticket and joined the other two girls. We arrived early Wed. morning for a three day conference. The very first step I took into Bethel church I felt like I was home. That day was the very first day I ever told anyone I wanted to go to the School of Supernatural Ministry. Once I shared the deep secret in my heart with LeaAnn and Charity they looked at me and said: “You have to come here.” The thought scared me. Leave everything and everyone I have ever known and move 2,000 miles away by myself; it terrified me. But if I have learned anything with my walk with Jesus it is, if I feel terrified of something normally Jesus is doing a big work. I brushed off their comment with a common phrase, “I’ll pray about it,” and walked away to buy a coffee at “He-brew” coffee shop in the church. I was standing in line thinking about how crazy it was I ended up in Redding and felt so at home here when the family in front of me in line said something about the father paying for all of their coffee. Joking around I said out loud, “Am I included in that?” The father, Randy, turned around and said “yes, actually you are.” I was so shocked but later I found out the God told Randy to turn around and buy the girl behind him coffee!! We started talking and in the middle of our conversation Randy looked at me and said, “Do you know you are coming to school here?” I laughed out loud because I was so surprised and asked him what he was talking about. “God just told me you are coming to Bible school here.” I was stunned. This stranger just prophesied over me about what was one my heart for almost two years and what LeaAnn and Charity just spoke over me. My next question was “Did God say anything about money?!”
After that the Lord used Randy’s little daughter to prophesied over me saying “Danielle I don’t know where you are going but you cannot stay in Arlington Texas.” Yet again I was shell shocked. Everything was taken away from me, even Texas.
I knew I couldn’t start Bible school that fall, just a few months away, so the only time I would start would be fall of 2010 which would be right after the girls I lead at church would graduate high school and my time as their leader would end. It was lined up perfectly, just what God told me, once my leadership was done something huge would happen for me! Funny how that happens.
After I said yes to God things started coming into place. Peace like nun other washed over me. God grew and matured my heart. In February of 2010 God released to Brendon to pursue me again. I was held back with fear in my heart I had to deal with between me and the Lord before I ever entered into a relationship again. Jesus set me free in April from that fear and Brendon and I are now back together!! J
The Lord even answered my question to Randy about money by dropping a Home Depot national commercial in my lap just a few months before I packed up and left. This is a testimony in itself, so I will just briefly write about it. I have an agent in Dallas who gets me auditions for commercials and movies. A commercial auditioned for Home Depot opened up to me in March that said to bring “your husband or someone to pretend to by your husband, NO ACTORS JUST REAL PEOPLE.” Since Brendon was pursing me again I thought it would be fun for him to come along, long story short, out of hundreds of people and two auditions, both Brendon and I were chosen to play husband and wife on national TV! Haha Commercial actors receive checks in the mail every few weeks every time the commercial is aired for a period of time. Well my checks are now dwindling out. I am still praying for more in the mail but I honestly still have to rely on God to provide for me since my budget is still tight. It’s funny how God can use something completely random to provide for me and still put a limit on it so my faith is in Him not anything else. And as you all know my car died two weeks before I was supposed to drive to CA so I had to purchase a new car, yet again putting my faith in Jesus.
Well ladies and gentleman, that is my story, this is why I am 2,000 miles away from everything I grew up knowing. It is only because of God I have made it this far. I wish I could describe every detail of what happened in my heart so you could be amazed by Jesus, but some things are just between me and the Lord, and plus I don’t want to write another “War and Peace.” ;) Just wait till I tell you about my first week of school….I didn’t know if was going to survive the next 9 months of studies. But I’ll save that for a little later.
Thank you for reading my heart. I hope it encourages you.
Love to all,
~Dani b.

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