Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It is happening

Well ladies and gentleman, It is happening, I am moving to Reddding CA. Hence the blog.

The Lord has been preparing my heart for quite some time (somewhere around 2 years now) to move out to Redding and attend Bible School. I am leaving everything I know, everyone I love, and pretty much everything I have to follow where God is leading me. I do not want to loose contact with people and I would love my friends who are dear to my heart to see and know what is happening to me, so here it is, a blog to follow! I will update it as I can during my studies and new life in California.

I want this blog to be a witness of Jesus in my life. I will start with the story of how I ended up at this point in my life. But not right now. =) Give me a few days to get this thing under control and learn how to be a real "blogger" (ha) and I have my goodbyes to say to friends, family, boyfriend, and Texas during my last full month here. I'll be packing up my cowgirl boots and driving to CA in the middle of Aug to teach those crazy west coast people how to say "ya'll"!